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Ancerviller - 1918 - Presse américaine Texte en langue anglaise

The Tacoma Times
7 mai 1918

(United Press Leased Wire)
LONDON, May 7. - Capture of American prisoners in "forefield engagements" southwest of Blamont, was claimed in the night official statement of the German war office.
Blamont is 16 miles due east of Luneville and two and a half miles southeast of the German border. It is four miles due north of Ancerviller, where Americans were encaged a few days ago.

New-York tribune
13 mai 1918

Germans Abandon Village on Front Facing Americans
Foe Quits Ancerviller, in Luneville Sector, Patrols Discover
(By The Associated Press)
WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE, Saturday, May 11.- In the Luneville sector our patrols early this morning established the fact that the hamlet of Ancerviller has been abandoned by the enemy. The Germans had not even attempted to occupy shell holes in the salient, which recently was torn up by our artillery.

The Ogden standard
4 juin 1918

Americans Surrounded by Overwhelming Numbers Break Through.
WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE, Monday. June 3 (By the Associated Pres.) An American combat patrol engaged in a desperate light with a large enemy patrol near Ancerviller, in the Luneville sector early today. The American losses were slight. The German casualties are not known.
The Americans discovered the German patrol and endeavored to surround and capture the enemy. During the light the Americans found themselves being surrounded by overwhelming numbers, but managed to extricate themselves and return, fighting all the while. It is believed certain that punishment was inflicted upon the enemy by the grenades and rifle fire of the Americans.

New-York Tribune Magazine
20 avril 1919

The Sun
27 avril 1919

The 165th Infantry Is New York city's contribution to that composite National Guard fighting unit known as the Forty-second or Rainbow Division. The nucleus of the regiment was at the outbreak of the war the Sixty-ninth Regiment of New York Infantry. After the call of the President when the National Guard was mustered Into the Service Major-Gen. O'Ryan selected this regiment to represent the State of New York In the new division which was being formed to represent the whole United States in the early days of the war. It Is uniquely a New-York city regiment, being augmented in its strength to the requirements of the new tables of organization by drafts of troops sent from the Seventh. Twelfth, Twenty-third, Fourteenth and Seventy first regiments of New York Infantry.
It has a record of participation in five major operations and the defence of four sectors. It has been In every great battle of the American Army in France and in one additional great battle with the French Army.
It was assembled in Camp Mills, L I., in. September, 1917, and after a short period of training there left for France, It being the third division of American troops to arrive in France to take their place by the side of the British and French, where with a few regiments of regulars and marines It maintained in Europe the traditions of American arms while the United States went through its great period of training and preparation which was to bring the war to a successful conclusion.
Entered Line In February.
The regiment arrived in France on November 12, 1917, and immediately was moved to the American training sector in rear of the Lorraine front, where it went through a brief period of training in conjunction with a regiment of French Infantry. It first began to take part In active operational in February. 1818. when It entered the line near Luneville, In Lorraine, and assumed the sector Rouge Bouquet. Here the regiment received Its baptism of fire at the hands of an enemy anxious to break at the outset the American morale.
On March 21, while holding the lines at Rouge Bouquet, the regiment was subjected to a terrific gas attack, during which It suffered more than 400 casualties This first taste of modern warfare came in its most cruel and unusual form. The enemy had received information that the Americana were in line. On the night of March 21 without warning they suddenly threw 4,000 gas shells into the regimental area and immediately followed It up with u strenuous shrapnel and high explosive bombardment. It was the most terrific attack the Germans ever made in this sector and the coolness and bravery with which it was received by the American troops were highly commended in orders from the General commanding the French Seventh Army.

Sent to Relieve French
On March 24 the regiment was relieved In line and started to move toward the rear for an additional period of training before again taking up its position In the trenches, The success of the German offensive In the north made It necessary, however, for the regiment to face about and retrace its steps toward the lines, where it relieved an experienced division of French Chasseurs -for the more strenuous campaign in the north.
The second trench sector held by the165th Infantry was at Ancerviller. Here the training in the elements of modern warfare was completed and absolute mastery of "No Man a Land” was maintained throughout this period. An incident indicative of the spirit of the regiment at this time occurred when Lieut. Cassidy with a small patrol penetrated the German lines at Hamau d'Ancerviller and captured a German sentry post. The American were very anxious to take prisoners in order that they might obtain information of the German Intentions. Lieut. Cassidy was selected to lead patrol to the German lines, cut their wire, enter their trenches and take prisoners. He was ordered not to return until prisoners had been taken.
Leaving the American lines in the dead of night Lieut. Cassidy proceeded with a small patrol across No Man's Land until he was in front of the German lines. Here he disposed a small reserve of his men and with the remainder, including Sergeants O'Malley and Bingham of Company D, he cut the German wire and entered the German trenches. Approaching a German strong point within the lines Cassidy discovered the Germans lounging about the entrance to a dugout. With a brief hand to hand struggle these men were captured and rushed between the openings in the wire where the reserve was disposed. The Germans, awakening, to their situation, began a terrific fire of machine guns and high explosive shells against Cassidy's patrol, despite which he returned successfully to the American lines.

No man's Land d'Ancerviller - 26 avril 1918 - Secteur tenu par le 2ème bataillon du 165ème régiment d'Infanterie de la 42ème Division.


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