Documents sur Blâmont (54) et le Blâmontois





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Récit d'un voyageur anglais - 1824 Texte en langue anglaise

The diary of a traveller over Alps and Appenines
Murray Forbes
ED. Londres, 1824

Sunday, Aug. 24. Crossed the Meurthe on our way to Lunneville, where we stopped to breakfast. It is a town of moderate size, with a grand chateau adjoining to it, having extensive promenades, and fine avenues in the old stile around it. The house and pleasure grounds appertain to government, and have been given by the King as an habitation to one of the Hohenloe family, who is at present gone to partake of the glories of the army in Spain. They are in a state of sad disrepair. The principal church is a spacious building, in which I was present at the service of Mass to a whole regiment drawn up in the body of it. Was not Lunneville in former times the Court of the family of Lorraine, so much distinguished in the history of France ? We are at present in the province of Lorraine. Went on to dinner and to pass the night at Blamont, of which the main street is of ample breadth, and well built; but the population is not considerable. Upon the top of a hill, on the declivity of which a principal part of the town is placed, there is an ancient fortification, with round towers, in ruins. It was probably antecedent to the knowledge of gun-powder, as there are no signs remaining of requisites for the use of fire-arms.
Monday. Set out at the usual hour for Sarrebourg, [...]


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