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US Signal Corps - Vidéo - 1918

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US Signal Corps - Photographies - 1917-1918

Ancerviller Blémerey Domjevin Fréménil Herbéviller


Ancerviller, Meurthe-et-Moselle France, Mar. 11, 1918 - A mule drawn supply train arriving with a day's supplies tor Companies E, F, G, and H, of the 167th Infantry.

Near. Ancerviller. Meurthe-et-Moselle, France. Mar· 11, 1918 - Men of Co. H, 167th Inf., on the way to the front line - passing through the barbed wire entanglement gate that closes the road to Blamont. A party of workmen repairing trenches nearby that were torn to pieces during the raid of March 8th.

Near Ancerviller, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, Mar. 11, 1918 - A patrol of Co. H, 157th Inf., returning from duty.

Ancerviller, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, Mar. 11, 1918 - Members of' 2nd Bn. l67th Int., doing fatigue drill and mn of Co. F, returning from the front line trenches - passing through the ruins of Ancerviller.

Near Ancerviller, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, Mar. 11, 1918 - A bomb-proof shelter behind the front lines, in the Woods of Compte, used for a resting place during the day for soldiers of the l67th Inf. after long nights in the trenches. A guard is on duty at all hours.

Ancerviller, Meurthe-et..Moselle, France, Mer. 11, 1918 - Cpl. Howard Thompson, 167th Int., who went into No Man's Land and got the pistol of a German killed by Sgt. James. West. on the night of Mar. 7, when the patrol of five encountered 10 Germans. Both Cpl. Thompson and Sgt. West claim the pistol.

Ancerviller, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, Mar. 11, 1918 - Members of the 2nd Bn., 167th Inf., constructing a bomb-proof shelter under a ruined building in Ancerviller. This town is shelled by the Germans· every day, About 300 shells were dropped there just before these scenes were photographed.

Near Ancerviller, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, Mar. 11, 1918 - A dispatch rider arriving with a n:essage and' handing it to Lt. · F. D. Scottlan, .co. H, who delivers it to Capt. H.W. Thompson, Post Commander. 16 7th Infantry. Capt. Thompson sends a courier at once with orders to the artillery in the Woods of Compte.


Blemerey, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, Feb. 26, 1918 - Members of Co. D, 1st Bn., 166th Int., 42nd Div., carrying food to their comrades on the firing line.

Blemerey, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, Feb. 26, 1918 - Distributing copies of the "Ohio Rainbow Reveille", a small paper published by the 166th Inf., 42nd Div.

Blemerey, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, feb. 26, 1918 Lt. Lear, Co. D, 166th Inf., conducting a party of officers of the 3rd Battalion, 166th Inf., 42nd Div., on a tour of inspection through the trenches of the 1st Battalion, 166th Infantry

Blemerey, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, Feb. 26, 1918 - “All take cover at once," is the signal given at the sight of an approaching German airplane, by the lookout at the camp of the 166th Int., 42nd Division, just behind the front lines - and see men scamper.

Blemerey, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France,feb. 26,1918 - An observation post of the 166th Inf., 42nd Div., where constant watch is kept tor a gas or aeroplane attack. The warning horn is sounded at the first sight ot danger.

Blemerey, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, Feb. 26, 1918 - Revetting a front line trench of the 166th Inf. 42nd Div., after a bombarment. The work is extremely hazardous because ot enemy shell fire.


Domjevin, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, Mar. 3, 1918 - The burial ceremony of Prvt. Dyer J. Bird, Go. D, 166th Int., :formerly of Broadway, Ohio, the :first soldier of the 42nd Div. killed in action and first American. Brig. Gen. Chas. T. Menoher, C .G. 42nd Division, accompanied by Col. .Arnouly de Pirey of the 60th French Intantry, attend the services.blood shed in this sector. Pvt. Bird was killed at a listening post by a German raiding party. He saw the Germans coming out of their trench, and after hurling 2 hand grenades in their midst, received the fatal bullet., As he fell, his eomrades heard him call, "The Germans are coming in the form ot a wedge. Boys, I'm dying !"

Chaplain Holliday rendering the last rites the body ot the hero, Pvt. D. J. Bird.

The funeral cortege slowly wending its way through the French cemetery to the last resting place of Pvt. Dyer J. Bird.

And with the firing of the salute and blowing of taps, the history of Pvt. Dyer J. Bird, first hero of the 42nd Division to fall in battle, is drawn to a close.

Brig. Gen. Chas. T. Menoher and Col. D. MacArthur leaving after the burial of Pvt. D.J. Bird. Col. de Pirey of the 60th French Infantry bids them goodbye at their car.

Domjevin, France, Mar. 19, 1918 - Sec. of' War Newton D. Baker at Headquarters o t the 3rd- Bn., 166th Inf.

Domjevin, France, Mar. 19, 1918 - 3rd Battalion, 166th Inf., passing in review.

Sec. Baker's automobile and staff car leaving Domjevin, a ruined city behind the lines.

Domjevin, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, Mar. 6, 1918 - Battery A, 149th Field Artillery removing ammunition from an ammunition dump and transporting it in a small car to the battery. The 149th Field Artillery was formerly the 1st Ill. Field Artillery.

Battery A, 149th Field Artillery, 42nd Div. removing ammunition from car from where it is placed in a magazine near the gun. The ammunition bas been brought here from the ammunition dump. The 149th Field Artillery was formerly the lat Ill. Field Artillery.

Battery A, 149th Field Artillery, 42nd Div. firing the first shell to be fired by the 42nd Div. The two men injured in the later scene were wounded just after this scene was taken by a shell exploding within 20 feet ot the camera.

Domjevin, Meurthe- et- Moselle, France, Mar. 5, 1918 - Battery A, 149th Field Artillery, 42nd Div. removing 2 .American soldiers injured by an exploding shell that exploded right behind Gun No. 2.

Domjevin, Meurthe-et-Moselle,France, :Mar. 11, 1918 - German shells bursting over the battery position, of the1l49th Field Artillery.


Fremenil, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, Mar. 9, 1918 - Members of Headquarters Co., 149th F.A., building a dugout for Col. Henry J. Rielly's headquarters.

Fremenil, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, Mar, 9, 1918 - High explosive shells bursting over the trenches of Battery c, F.A. The photographer and an officer hurrying to reach the shelter of a dugout.

Fremenil, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, Mar.9, 1918 A dugout of Battery C, 149th F .A., 42nd Div., in which Lt. L. J. Jordan was killed when a German shell exploded in the small window, during a bombardment. The camouflage has been replaced and repairs made since the disaster.



Forest ot Parroy, Herbeviller,Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, Mar. 5, 1918 - Gas sentry discovers approaching gas, puts on ·gas mask and gives the alarm. Co. A, 165th Infantry, 42nd Division. The 165th Inf. was formerly the 69th N.Y. Infantry the 69th N.Y. Infantry


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